Sunday, November 18, 2012

Let’s Get Comfortable With Celsius!

Let’s join the rest of the world and get comfortable with metric measurements! Learn about Celsius and then translate what those temps mean in the real world.

Americans can often be disadvantaged, because our measuring system doesn’t match the rest of the world.  We don’t work with temperature measurement of Celsius on a daily basis. We can hardly spell the word.  So when we hear a temperature in Celsius we often can’t relate it to a comparable temperature in Fahrenheit.  We’re lost!

By using this worksheet you can learn to relate key temperatures in Celsius (boiling water, freezing water, human body temperature, and room temperature) to relatable temperatures in everyday life. Once you relate to these, you can figure out everything in-between. You never have to feel lost again when you hear that temperature related in Celsius! Join the global community!


1.  Take an imersion into the measurement of Celsius. Try to stay away from talking about Fairenheit. You want the students to try to think in Celsius by relating it to temperatures that they are familiar with.

2. Give each of the students a copy of the worksheet. Generate as much discussion as possible about the pictures and temperatures on the worksheet.  Then complete the questions at the bottom together.

3. To generate discussion after completing the worksheet you could ask the students questions like: What else happens at the four key temperatures outlined on the worksheet? What kind of clothes would we wear at these temperatures?  Discuss the temperatures between the four key temperatures on the worksheet and relate it to activities you could do and clothes you could wear at those in-between teamperatures.  

You can download a PDF of this worksheet at the link below.

I retrieved this lesson from: